Rufflers [noun]

Definition of Rufflers:


Synonyms of Rufflers:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rufflers:


Sentence/Example of Rufflers:

The ruffler paused a moment, as if awaiting a reply or a word of encouragement.

"It is my intent to lead this company myself," he loftily informed the ruffler.

At sight of the red liquor the fury died out of the ruffler's face.

After the first hackle, called a ruffler, six other finer hackles were often used.

Sit you upon your chair that I may call one to send this ruffler here.'

As for Falconnet, he was even then a ruffler and a bully, though he was not of the army.

He regarded them all not at all, showing no feeling of disgrace at his position, and no desire to carry himself as a ruffler.

He was not a ruffler, but he thought it was his duty to give Mr. Pulliam a fair opportunity to wreak vengeance on him.

Quoth the ruffler, but in a lower voice: "I cannot fight with a boy; whether I slay him or am slain I am shamed."

But such fury was in the ruffler's heart now, that he had no words for it, but rolled about in the high-seat snorting and blowing.