Ruffs [noun]
Definition of Ruffs:
clump of strands of something
Synonyms of Ruffs:
Sentence/Example of Ruffs:
Who would wear for every sigh Blood's red flower upon his ruff?
He was sitting in uniform on the other side of the fire, reading Ruff's Guide.
Ruff with left alone, especially with your partner's make or adoption.
The ruff, Machetes pugnax, was believed by Montague to be polygamous.
Miss Ruff saw how Lady Longspade passed on, but she was nothing disconcerted.
Then Mrs. Garded made two direct appeals to Miss Ruff for mercy.
And very much, sir, the ruff and the slashed doublet become you!
The Ace first, and then King, signifies no more of the suit, and a desire to ruff.
The only case in which it is not an evidence of strength is when it shows a desire to ruff.
He glanced at Retief, adjusted his ruff and looked into the banquet hall.