Rugbies [noun]

Definition of Rugbies:

a sport

Synonyms of Rugbies:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rugbies:


Sentence/Example of Rugbies:

Courage educated into them at Eton or Rugby, in many a fight and 289 scuffle.

The great window over the arch is a striking feature of the Rugby gateway.

No; Rugby football is not much appreciated by the 9th Brigade.

You know that he and I were at Rugby together, and then at Oxford?

Rugby and Swindon have quadrupled their population in the same time.

And after this term you can go to any other school you like—Eton or Rugby, or anywhere.

When I was at Rugby, I spent most of my holidays at her house.

"Rugby, because a fellow I know is there," replied Colin, decisively.

"I shall go to Rugby too, when Colin does," announced Jamie confidently.

He explained this once or twice to Osborne and Roger when they were at Rugby.