Rule [noun]

Definition of Rule:

standard, principle of behavior

Synonyms of Rule:

Opposite/Antonyms of Rule:

Sentence/Example of Rule:

But the Lacedæmonians make it a rule never to speak of danger from their slaves.

"There was one rule in poker your pa had," said Uncle Peter.

The effort to make them "disgorge" is as continual as it is noisy, and, as a rule, futile.

In a republic the first rule for the guidance of the citizen is obedience to law.

But I told him, I would judge him by his own rule—by his actions, not by his professions.

This hope—this supreme aspiration—must rule the way we live.

It decrees that we, the people, elect leaders not to rule but to serve.

But as we are such near neighbors I felt that I must break my rule.

But he was told, that he must not expect to rule in every thing.

Also, as a rule, he was weak enough to accept a gift when the stranger parted.