Ruminated [verb]

Definition of Ruminated:

think about seriously

Synonyms of Ruminated:

Opposite/Antonyms of Ruminated:

Sentence/Example of Ruminated:

Then he sought the friendly shelter of the weeds, and sat still to ruminate.

His last days, moreover, had been too crowded for him to ruminate over their taste.

So he breathed not a word, and continued to ruminate upon his vengeance.

He seemed to ruminate on this thought as if it gave him special cause for reflection.

And, much disconcerted, he walked to the parlour, to ruminate upon some other measure.

All one can do is to lay down the pen and ruminate, and cry 'Beautiful!'

The Grand Duke and myself were left to ruminate on what we had heard.

And is it not a pleasant work in old age to ruminate upon them?

Let me now ruminate to myself why Crœsus should be so great a favourer to me.

As soon as Bryan was off, Bobolink sat down on his truck, and began to ruminate.