Rummier [adjective]

Definition of Rummier:


Opposite/Antonyms of Rummier:

Sentence/Example of Rummier:

Rummy as the gadget might appear, it had been the right thing to do.

Rummy accent and all that, but nevertheless a soft and pleasing voice.

People talk about that rummy motor at Bonnington and Aldington to this day.

And, most important of all to a rummy, you drink the best booze and as much of it as you want.

Most likely I'll do my best to stop whatever it is you've got in that rummy head of yours.'

So help me rummy, I was that angry with him I couldn't hear myself speak.

“I picked up a rummy curio on the beach this go,” said the captain.

"They are a rummy lot, them deaf and dumb," said the story-teller.

In the East he is a "rummy" and when he's drunk he's "tight."

"No wonder you get rummy flavours in what you eat down there, if that's so," said Dave.