Rusticate [verb]

Definition of Rusticate:

leave a place or responsibility

Opposite/Antonyms of Rusticate:

Sentence/Example of Rusticate:

When we rusticate in the wilds we take a troop of friends along.

They sent her down to rusticate somewhere at the end of the season.

For four months the most energetic man in the Army was able to rusticate.

Many Oporto families own country-houses in the Minho, and rusticate there very pleasantly for a month or two in early fall.

Murphy was dismissed in disgrace, and ordered to rusticate on board till his eye was bright.

To him the Toba valley served well enough as a place to rusticate.

"I wonder what possessed the governor to rusticate," thought Dacres as he turned away.

He told me that he was on the look-out for a quiet, unfrequented place on the sea-shore, where he might rusticate and sketch.

No one else taking up the cudgels for poor Charles, the Master said he was afraid he must rusticate him.

The Legate orders Luitolfo to his house, and recommends the patriot to rusticate himself awhile.