Ryes [noun]

Definition of Ryes:

edible grain

Synonyms of Ryes:

Opposite/Antonyms of Ryes:


Sentence/Example of Ryes:

But the aristocracy did not sow this piece with rye, I suppose?

There was rye whisky, there was gin, and there was some sort of French brandy.

Then I shall scream with all my might: ‘Keep away from my rye!’

The rye was reaped, the wheat and oats were harvested, and the flax was pulled.

If you'll tell me their names I'll tell you where to find them, for I know everybody in Rye.

Still others are planted with corn, wheat, rye or vegetables.

Many a time the Romanys says they expected to see their rye there.

On warm land the rye can be cut green the last of April or the first of May.

He cannot even command the price of a penitential three-fingers of rye.

These he sowed with wheat and rye, buying the seed on credit.