Sacrificed [adjective]
Definition of Sacrificed:
Opposite/Antonyms of Sacrificed:
Sentence/Example of Sacrificed:
Victims were sacrificed, and the omens declared not unpropitious.
I beg, that I may not be sacrificed to projects, and remote contingencies.
You must, you will, I doubt, be sacrificed to this odious man.
When must our Sunday's rest and our attendance at church be sacrificed?
She must not be sacrificed to policy or ambition, and she must not be left to suffer from the dread of it.
Have we sacrificed enough for those in worse plight than ourselves?
A few years have been sacrificed; but the lessons that they have taught me remain.
I detest the reflection that I would have sacrificed your happiness to mine.
Energy, ambition, my former aims and objects, were all sacrificed at her tomb.
No, Hatteras, you have not sacrificed your personal antipathies.