Salaaming [verb]
Definition of Salaaming:
Synonyms of Salaaming:
● Attend
● Receive
● Stop
● Hail
● Accost
● Embrace
● Address
● Meet
● Approach
● Salute
● Shoulder
● Nod
● Bow
● Herald
● Flag
● Salaam
● Curtsy
● Call to
● Highball
● Move to
● Say hi
● Speak to
● Usher in
Sentence/Example of Salaaming:
“Your Excellency,” he said, salaaming and gasping for breath.
"It is a great plan, master," said Ali, salaaming to Jim in his enthusiasm.
Nahoum rose and, salaaming, followed Mahommed to the other room.
The Arabs, silent now and respectful, crowded about him, salaaming.
Ramnath approached with marked reverence, salaaming deeply at every step.
The next moment they were bowing and salaaming to him in their most polite and snaky way.
Salaaming to Jim and Tom, he spurred his camel forward with his heel, and was not seen again till the following morning.
Fellows would be coming up those steps grinning and salaaming—to you and to me.
(besom in hand) salaaming the party, and then makes a rush for the vestibule, to be at the door to receive them.
When Gud had done kneeling and salaaming, the king offered him a cigarette and selected a cigar for himself.