Salience [noun]

Definition of Salience:

distinction, outstandingness

Synonyms of Salience:

Opposite/Antonyms of Salience:

Sentence/Example of Salience:

By constricting187 the waist it accentuates the salience of the bosom and hips.

For it is, I am compelled to think, the salience of personality.

In it the chisel has merely reproduced the contours of the eyelids and the salience of the eyeball.

In the Khorsabad relief (Fig. 107) the salience of these horns is less marked.

From this salience her small chin retreated delicately into her pink throat.

It is a salience complete, dominating, unapproached, but one which must infallibly diminish with time.

Her eyes were bright and resolute, and the lamplight threw into salience the curve of her jaw and chin.