Saltations [noun]
Definition of Saltations:
Synonyms of Saltations:
● Plunge
● Dive
● Rise
● Upsurge
● Bounce
● Hurdle
● Fall
● Vault
● Drop
● Swerve
● Plummet
● Canter
● Dance
● Spring
● Bound
● Caper
● Jar
● Lurch
● Start
● Hop
● Skip
● Pounce
● Jerk
● Nosedive
● Buck
● Shock
● Jolt
● Wrench
● Bob
● Twitch
● Gambol
● Upspring
● Skipping
● Capriole
● Leaping
● Leapfrog
● Hopping
● Gambade
Opposite/Antonyms of Saltations:
Sentence/Example of Saltations:
Particles are transported by winds through suspension, saltation, and creep.
Saltation is downwind movement of particles in a series of jumps or skips.
A saltating grain may hit other grains that jump up to continue the saltation.
As an adaptation to saltation the tibia would elongate at the expense of the femur and the index would be more than 100.
Long tail and long hind foot would seem to be specializations for saltation and the two would be expected to be correlated.
Sand sheets are flat, gently undulating sandy plots of sand surfaced by grains that may be too large for saltation.
In the heat of noon, in the cool of the evening, day after day there was no rest for them, their saltation was without end.
Life must be taken with a grain of saltation: let the spirit dance a measure or two ere it collapse.