Satanisms [noun]

Definition of Satanisms:

witchcraft or sorcery

Synonyms of Satanisms:

Opposite/Antonyms of Satanisms:


Sentence/Example of Satanisms:

It had besides a fin de sicle flavouring of Satanism and decadence.

Illuminism, Cabalism, and even Satanism are still realities.

"For this, basically, is what Satanism is," said Durtal to himself.

Now from lofty Mysticism to base Satanism there is but one step.

Yes, for the time being I am up to my eyes in Satanism with that man.

Yes, that country in all times has been a hotbed of Satanism.

The affiliates of Satanism are mystics of a vile order, but they are mystics.

To sum up, the most important thing about Satanism is the black mass.

He won't even give us time to get our breath, but must be dogging us about Satanism.

I asked him if he had any material on the Satanism of the present day.