School [noun]

Definition of School:

place, system for educating

Synonyms of School:

Opposite/Antonyms of School:


Sentence/Example of School:

“Thou art a big fellow for a school,” said his uncle, looking him over.

She had boasted to him once of having learned to smoke at school.

The school was under the head-mastership of "the terrific Dr. Keate."

The moral discipline of the school was also called in question.

Small boys and girls, returning from school, were beginning to play.

He was the head of the school when I, the elder, was a lout in the lower fourth.

In painting, we believe we possess a school second to none of modern art.

This was my position on the plantation a short time after school was out for the term.

During the time I attended my young mistresses to school, sir.

Giggleswick is also the proud possessor of a school founded in 1512.