Scoop [noun]

Definition of Scoop:

utensil, tool for shovelling

Synonyms of Scoop:

Opposite/Antonyms of Scoop:


Sentence/Example of Scoop:

"I take it that Grant means to scoop in the Johnnies in detail," said Warner.

If we just scoop out a little sand, we can launch the boat with everything in her.

Scoop out some of the inside, and fill them with the preserve.

No, what I want to get at is your idea of what should come to you, as a bonus, when I scoop the board.

The editors or local reporters watch for what they call a "scoop."

I been lying here studying the scoop of this here old wagon.

Yet I do want to have an option on the first scoop on the story.

"I'm too old for scoop some now," said Ma'ame Paradis, with a sigh.

He ended a stream of oaths, and rested the scoop ready for his throw.

Porportuk seized her wrist as she thrust the scoop a second time into the heap.