Scow [noun]

Definition of Scow:

large work boat

Synonyms of Scow:

Opposite/Antonyms of Scow:


Sentence/Example of Scow:

We took the rapids broadside on, but the scow was light and very strong.

All at once I saw directly in front a scow struggling to make the shore.

I saw the man jump out with a rope and try to snub the scow to a tree.

The long painter of the scow had been extended over, and fastened to, the three boats.

There will be time enough then to load the scow, and reach the island by daylight.

The Splash filled away, and we landed at the point where the scow lay.

The line came up to me easily, cast off from the scow at the other end.

I dropped in at the scow the second day after the packet brought me home.

The mass concrete was mixed and placed by the scow plant, shown by Fig. 84.

Below the water the form was that of a scow, the bottom being flat.