Screened [adjective]

Definition of Screened:


Opposite/Antonyms of Screened:

Sentence/Example of Screened:

Then screened by the bushes, she could have reached out and touched Oka Sayye.

The dust of the road arose in a cloud and screened the battle.

Nowhere was it so screened that an approaching enemy could surprise them.

We were now under the trees, which albeit leafless yet screened us partly from the road.

A second door which led into another apartment, was screened by a heavy curtain.

Olivia arose, and, screened by the curtain, watched the scene beneath.

Screened behind the bushes, he heard all their conversation.

The spy waited, screened by some bushes, expecting to see him again.

The women were screened off from the men in the congregation.

She went to the window, and, screened by the curtain, looked out.