Seamanships [noun]

Definition of Seamanships:

traveling, guiding along route, often over water

Synonyms of Seamanships:

Opposite/Antonyms of Seamanships:


Sentence/Example of Seamanships:

It required all the captain's seamanship, and the efforts of all the crew, to withstand it.

I was losin' my temper; I do hate bunglin' seamanship aboard a craft of mine.

It had been a tremendous feat of seamanship and bade fair to be successful.

"That will do as far as seamanship is concerned," the officer said.

In spite of his seamanship, the caravel was wrecked on the island of Cuba.

Were we half as good as he is, in other matters, we might be better than we are in seamanship.

I had been so absorbed in watching his seamanship, that I had not been thinking about the stranger.

They were to be composed only of those acquainted with seamanship.

They have been obliged to add gunnery to their knowledge of seamanship and navigation.

Once trapped, it was said, German seamanship and surprise tactics had done the rest.