Sedulously [adverb]

Definition of Sedulously:


Synonyms of Sedulously:

Opposite/Antonyms of Sedulously:


Sentence/Example of Sedulously:

In June the florist's shop is a poor place, sedulously to be shunned.

He should sedulously seek to bring his sheep to a high degree of perfection in every respect.

His great black periwig was as sedulously curled as any at Whitehall.

This captain, for reasons which it is unnecessary to detail, I most sedulously avoided.

There was also another secret which she and Tom sedulously guarded.

Then he as sedulously drilled them in tacking, veering, and other manoeuvres.

Benevolence in their relations to one another is sedulously cultivated.

Indeed, anything untoward was now sedulously kept from James.

Kept in its best state, the horse has to be sedulously groomed.

It is sedulously circulated that your wife has an intrigue with Jim Spencer.