Seeker [noun]

Definition of Seeker:


Synonyms of Seeker:

Opposite/Antonyms of Seeker:


Sentence/Example of Seeker:

A seeker for omens might have said that the heavens were weeping over our ill-fated venture.

It was the library of a seeker after the encyclopædic culture of the Germany of his day.

Again we can only say that the seeker would be disappointed.

So in the fashion of those days he became a seeker after truth.

I was, too, a seeker of curious experience, and this was to prove my undoing.

Bodhisatta, a seeker of the bodhi, one who endeavors to become a Buddha.

We are all alike and yet all different; each of us is a wanderer, a brooder, a seeker.

Tests are very often tried blindfold, so that the seeker may be guided by fate.

And she must go alone, for only so could any seeker find the pathway to the pool, so it was said.

Barbara never was a girl of energy, or a seeker after power.