Segmentation [noun]

Definition of Segmentation:


Opposite/Antonyms of Segmentation:

Sentence/Example of Segmentation:

The segmentation of the nucleus precedes and then continues with the segmentation of the yolk.

Rohon entitles his discovery 'the segmentation of the primordial cranium.'

In addition, other indications of a segmentation in this head-region have been found.

Moreover, this rod was unsegmented, for the notochord is devoid of segmentation.

It lies ventral to the nerve cord, and shows no trace of segmentation.

They also show what might be considered as faint traces of segmentation.

The mesoblast of the tail has not as yet undergone this segmentation.

Is any part of it present in the ovum at the commencement of segmentation?

The segmentation is meroblastic, and similar to that in Birds.

The segmentation is centrolecithal and regular (fig. 237 A).