Senors [noun]
Definition of Senors:
Opposite/Antonyms of Senors:
Sentence/Example of Senors:
We have said something of the "senoras," now a word for the "senors."
I had begun to fear, Senors, that you had become lost again.
"I am your eternal debtor, Senors," he said with a courteous bow.
The Americano senors are welcome ten thousand times to my field.
"Ah, senors, good afternoon," grinned the unwelcome visitor.
I had my sight then, senors, out of the exalted mercy of the Saints.
"The senors may pay me for the drinks, if they desire," she said to them, meaningly.
"Buenos dias, senors," Sanchez spoke with unusual crispness.
Senors, I will not pollute your chaste ears with what was done.
And as she died—one moment more, senors, that I may confess all!