Serpentine [adjective]

Definition of Serpentine:

winding; sly

Synonyms of Serpentine:

Opposite/Antonyms of Serpentine:

Sentence/Example of Serpentine:

Mary looked up from the serpentine braid she was crocheting.

If there were no fools to skate on the Serpentine, there had been no Humane Society.

They had driven him home a dozen times from Serpentine Mews, and knew all about him.

Shall we cross to the north, and see whether the Serpentine is in its place?

We should have been done for, had the cliff been serpentine marble.

The Moon's course is of serpentine form, having a head and tail.

The krisses of the Malays, at the present day have serpentine blades.

Alf forgot him and fished for minnows in the Serpentine with some companions.

At length they reached the end of the lake and entered the Serpentine.

The whip flashed in the air with a serpentine swing, and went off like a pistol.