Setaceous [adjective]
Definition of Setaceous:
with stiff hairs
Sentence/Example of Setaceous:
Bisetose -ous: with two bristle-like or setaceous appendages.
Setaceous: bristle-shaped: slender, gradually tapering to a tip.
On dry hills a close tufted grass, with setaceous leaves, and in rich soils creeping and luxuriant with broad leaves.
The long-awned species of Festuca have compact stiff panicles and narrow or setaceous leaves (see p. 111).
The antenn are about an inch long, slender, setaceous, and gradually diminishing from the base to the extremities.
The grasshoppers with setaceous antenn (Acrida) have four tarsal joints.
Antennæ setaceous, simple, very slender, full half the length of the body.
The two endemic Rubi have the prickles reduced to the setaceous condition, and the two palms are unarmed.
Yet insects that have filiform or setaceous antenn appear often to use them for exploring.