Shag [adjective]

Definition of Shag:

separate; apart

Opposite/Antonyms of Shag:

Sentence/Example of Shag:

They love Carlo and Shag, and are never afraid when they are with them.

They ordered horses an' a outfit, and Shag Bunce is goin' with 'em.

No pony of his outfit, be he ever so fleet, could get far ahead of Shag Bunce.

She is the keeper's daughter, you know, and often goes out with Shag and me.

She looked up with such kind beautiful eyes when Shag and I passed.

Meanwhile, Morag and Shag were waiting on a shady bit of the road, a few yards off.

The Shag shows more reluctance to leave its nest than the Cormorant does.

Shag, of course, did as nearly as he could exactly the same.

I am not sure that he had not made an example of Shag merely to frighten her.

She used to have Shag, too—the best dog in all these mountains.