Shamefaced [adjective]
Definition of Shamefaced:
Opposite/Antonyms of Shamefaced:
Sentence/Example of Shamefaced:
It brought them back, a shamefaced crew, laughing at each other.
"I am going to tell you a secret," he said at last, in a shamefaced way.
Kirkwood could see his shamefaced, sidelong glances; and despised him properly for them.
Now her cheeks suddenly flushed a burning, shamefaced crimson.
Either she is mistaken, or, the Little'un has forgotten, and is shamefaced.
"Step in, Pete;" and, with a shamefaced look, Pete rolled into the carriage.
They pursued me rather: vague, shadowy, restless, shamefaced.
With shamefaced, submissive mien he sheathes the thin, gleaming blade.
She smiled and seemed glad at heart, but was shamefaced and downcast.
"I couldn't find my tongue when I was with the King," I answered with a shamefaced laugh.