Sheerness [noun]
Definition of Sheerness:
the state of being light
Opposite/Antonyms of Sheerness:
Sentence/Example of Sheerness:
Kirkwood looked back, for the last time, up the road to Sheerness.
She witnessed the first embarkation in a gunboat at Sheerness.
Farther south a destroyer was passing westwards to Sheerness.
Went up at Sheerness, for an experimental flight in this same 'plane.
We passed the ancient village of Tilbury Fort, and Sheerness.
On this occasion, the cannon were firing from London to Sheerness.
Fortifications had been added to Sheerness and Upnor Castle just here.
On the 1st of July we dropped down to Sheerness, where we got in our guns.
He became foreman of the engineers in the dockyard at Sheerness.
In the afternoon we anchored at the Nore, and sent away all the prisoners to Sheerness.