Shitfaced [adjective]
Definition of Shitfaced:
Synonyms of Shitfaced:
● Pickled
● Smashed
● Sloshed
● Soused
● Wasted
● Loaded
● Besotted
● Drunken
● Tipsy
● Faced
● Tanked
● Polluted
● Buzzed
● Trashed
Sentence/Example of Shitfaced:
I pictured him as slim and young looking, smooth-faced, with golden curly hair, and big brown eyes.
She was a plump-faced, insipid child, with fair hair and pale blue eyes, stolid and bovine in their expressionlessness.
"I'll take charge of this, Captain Dobson," he brusquely informed the red-faced numskull.
He was a good judge of men, that eagle-faced major; he knew that the slightest move with hostile intent would mean a smoking gun.
The latter is a square-faced practical man, who is looked up to as a species of oracle by all his friends.
His mind had gone back to the time when he and Guilford had so nearly faced death in among the Boston mountains.
Before he faced Lettice, he must forget a moment—forget his fears, his hopes, his ceaseless torment of belief and doubt.
He was a big-bodied, big-hearted, ruddy-faced, farmerlike man of fifty or so; and the service was proud of him.
They are faced by a horrid redoubt held by machine guns, and they are to rush it with the bayonet.
In one instant the mottled-faced gentleman depressed his hand again, and every glass was set down empty.