Shortens [verb]

Definition of Shortens:

diminish, decrease

Synonyms of Shortens:

Opposite/Antonyms of Shortens:

Sentence/Example of Shortens:

Every moment that I tarry here increases my danger and shortens my temper.

Other observers have not found that it shortens the first period.

There is one that shortens the distance by more than two-thirds.

"It shortens the winter, anyhow," was the general verdict, when expressed at all.

He thus either obviates a malady or relieves and shortens it.

The race that shortens its weapons lengthens its boundaries.

This contraction, of course, shortens them, and this latter must result in the bending of the arm.

The Captain of the gun also shortens the strap of his haversack.

It was a summer morning that shortens the road—even that of the young lover.

Life's work has rounded into the evening that shortens labor.