Shrapnel [noun]

Definition of Shrapnel:

projectiles for weaponry

Synonyms of Shrapnel:

Opposite/Antonyms of Shrapnel:


Sentence/Example of Shrapnel:

How often have I felt anxious seeing these shrapnel through the telescope.

Oh for the good "Queen Bess," her high command, and her 15-inch shrapnel!

But the shrapnel got on to these fellows also and I lost sight of them.

When we got back to the Arno we found she had been hit by shrapnel, but no damage.

Then they came to grips and mentioned the cause of their injuries—bullet or shrapnel.

He was badly wounded by shrapnel and was sent back to England.

In the moaning of the shells there mingles the rattling of shrapnel.

It was the first shrapnel sent out by the Germans during the siege.

There were a couple of civilian casualties resulting from the shrapnel.

Round about the shrapnel burst in little puffs like cotton-wool.