Sic [adjective]
Definition of Sic:
Sentence/Example of Sic:
You'll have to sic some other poor devil on this glittering proposition of yours.
Sic semper tyrannis, does not mean "Tyrants are always sick."
I point to dem sojers an say, "Sic him, General Lee, sic him."
It wad be fair sinfu' no' ta tak a drop at sic a time as this.
Else there wadna hae been sic a sad welcome for her bonnie bairn.
The number of inhabitants were (sic) not more than four millions.
Na, na, Leeby; dinna let me ever think o' sic a thing this month.
"It'll be a warnin' to ye, Sam'l, no to be in sic a hurry i' the futur," said Sanders.
“Sic itur—ad Astra,” she said demurely, and offered him her hand.
He holds a lamb in his arms, and carries the legend, Sic Genius.