Silent [adjective]

Definition of Silent:

quiet; speechless

Opposite/Antonyms of Silent:

Sentence/Example of Silent:

He is silent and abstracted, like one just returned from the cave of Trophonius.

"I told him high altitudes and high livin' would do any man—" Again he was silent.

Some of these bright beings are speaking, and others are silent.

In this holy atmosphere we paused for a moment in silent reverence.

She was silent and motionless for another five minutes, thinking intently.

"I wish it would," she said, gently, and then went on with her own thoughts while he was silent.

Descending this, he went forth with her into the dark and silent night.

But every eye was upon me, and the Church was silent as death, waiting for my rising.

But the men drank it in—all except Henry, silent in his corner.

There is a moral, and a religion too, even in the silent walls.