Silkier [adjective]

Definition of Silkier:

very smooth; like satin

Synonyms of Silkier:

Opposite/Antonyms of Silkier:







Sentence/Example of Silkier:

The dress was of silky changeable tricolette, the skirt plain.

He was proud of himself, from his silky bangs to the tip of his tasselled tail.

Their hair was long and thickly matted, and mixed with fine brown, silky wool.

But there was no mistaking the triumphant note in the silky, jeering tones.

His hair, discoloured and silky, curled slightly over his ears.

For a moment the succession of silky undulations ran on innocently.

She is one mass of white, silky wool, and has the most charming manners.

"Sit down, my man," he said, and his voice was silky and smooth.

Silky had been tied up, so that the ratters might have a clear field for action.

Her eyebrows were silky and delicately straight, her mouth delightful.