Singles [noun]
Definition of Singles:
unmarried man or woman
Sentence/Example of Singles:
Her singles were perfectly round, and as flat at the top as if laid with a plummet.
Few, indeed, could do it properly, though the singles of some were very neat.
He singles out his generals, Madalinski and Zajonczek, for praise.
Is he praying, or cursing, because three singles are scored off his son's first three balls?
Among the human race it singles out one; and to that one it is faithful.
First the singles, then the pair; then, late in the afternoon, Fred and his two henchmen.
The shells were to be kept ready for use—the eights, the fours and the singles.
Now we must give some attention to the others in the fours, singles and doubles.
Boswell had, as you may have assumed, been picked to uphold the Randall end in the singles.
Perhaps Herrington told you that the singles are to be played off first.