Singly [adverb]
Definition of Singly:
Sentence/Example of Singly:
Here; singly to your face, or in the presence of your nation.
It does not tell us singly what poetry is, but it speculates upon the cause and effect of poetry.
Singly, they are strong impulses; combined, their power is irresistible.
With the halting precision of the ignorant, she had counted them singly every day.
In the mass they are appalling but singly they are surmountable.
My clients came to me, singly and in pairs, to grovel and to implore.
And sexually he goes as a single individual; he can mingle only singly.
They stood about singly and in groups, opening and shutting their beaks.
Together they could protect each other, but singly they were at my mercy.
The strings of the piano vibrate, not singly, but ten at a time.