Sinuosity [noun]

Definition of Sinuosity:


Synonyms of Sinuosity:

Opposite/Antonyms of Sinuosity:


Sentence/Example of Sinuosity:

Never had I seen such a railroad, either for steepness or for sinuosity.

The rapidity and sinuosity of its motions, its quick spring and sharp recoil, prove the aptness of the illustration.

He saw how they set their little feet, how they carried their chins, with what grace and sinuosity they swung their bodies.

A bight signifies a bay or sinuosity, on the border of any large mass or body of ice.

Descended by all the sinuosity of the shore, to avoid the strength of the wind and force of the waves.

The course is sinuosity itself in appearance, but that only renders it the more beautiful.

Hers was a fine frame, broad and square of shoulder, tall and lank of hip as some great tiger-cat, and splendid in its sinuosity.

At length, near ten o'clock, we reached the foot of Mount Cenis, where sinuosity of course could avail us no further.

The river then trends in a northerly direction for seven miles, without any sinuosity of consequence.

The acme of this sinuosity of movement is reached with those long-drawn-out fishes the eels.