Siren [noun]
Definition of Siren:
Opposite/Antonyms of Siren:
Sentence/Example of Siren:
There he left the affair, nor ever spoke again of Malpas and the siren who presided there.
"I thank you, dearest dear," cooed the siren, caressing him tenderly.
"Ah, you say you do, yet you refuse to do as I wish you," sorrowfully replied the siren.
Within an hour the morning siren would arouse the passengers.
Marc Polder had faded back into the crowd at the first sound of the siren.
We labored far into the night, when a siren called us to rest and food.
The siren blast howled on and on, mocking Jim's straining ears.
And the siren sent its dismal blasts out into the grayness all about.
These recede, their menacing voices stilled by hope's siren lullaby.
Now she was a siren, a wonderful, lithe creature, clinging to me.