Sizzling [adjective]

Definition of Sizzling:


Synonyms of Sizzling:

Opposite/Antonyms of Sizzling:

Sentence/Example of Sizzling:

There was no longer the sound of sizzling steam from the unexplored passage-way.

Even on such a day, sizzling work had to be done, as in winter.

The next instant the blackness of the night was split by a sizzling flame.

Butter was sizzling in the pans and emitting a sharp odor of burnt flour.

The Martian's weapon and the hand that held it vanished in the sizzling blast.

The boat made a sizzling sound as she went through the water.

If you hear a sizzling and sputtering in your electric-light socket, what does it mean?

A can of bacon was opened and set to sizzling in a frying pan.

Mrs. Brown was in the kitchen bent above a pan of sizzling meat.

It was the sizzling of the water when it touched the hot stone.