Skimmings [noun]

Definition of Skimmings:


Opposite/Antonyms of Skimmings:

Sentence/Example of Skimmings:

The skimmings off the top of the saucepans, while a piece of meat is boiling, will also do capitally for light puddings.

This method of disposing of the skimmings was suggested by Mr. Parkinson.

She was too bad-tempered, and as mean as second skimmings besides.

Skimmings comprise the matters separated from the cane juice during the processes of defecation and evaporation.

The first operation is to clarify the mixture of molasses and skimmings previous to fermenting it.

The skimmings from the molten lead in the early stages of cupellation have been discussed in Note 28, p. 539.

The skimmings are heated in a small iron pot, and strained through a cloth.

Her husband is dead, and I guess he led her a life of it when he was alive, and she's as poor as second skimmings.

The skimmings of the grand are thrown into a separate pan, placed at its side.

An inferior sort of rum is fabricated from molasses, mixed with the skimmings and washings of the sugar pans.