Slackens [verb]

Definition of Slackens:

do little or nothing; loosen

Synonyms of Slackens:

Opposite/Antonyms of Slackens:

Sentence/Example of Slackens:

Now it slackens, I hear laughter in the street, and in comes a neighbor.

All that lowers the tone and slackens the energies must be abandoned.

If he slackens up you notice a visible reduction in your pancake pile.

As he sees them, he slackens his speed and approaches more slowly.

Success is pepper to him, not the poppy drug that slackens energy.

I hear the rhythm of his breathing alter; it slackens and goes slow; then it jerks again, and I know that he is awake.

If it slackens, the Emperor, no doubt, could turn to wise account that favourable pause in the fever.

And now the wheels rapidly revolve, the rope runs swiftly, at last it slackens speed.

The strength of undisciplined forces is their impetuosity, and every thing that slackens that ruins them.

The breeze which blows from England slackens nothing ere it reaches those fields where the wild flowers and the rushes bloom.