Slantways [adverb]
Definition of Slantways:
at an angle
Opposite/Antonyms of Slantways:
Sentence/Example of Slantways:
These under the cherry trees with the sunshine shining through slantways made one of the brilliant sights of a lifetime.
What makes a kite go up slantways against, or on, the wind, which is the same thing in sailing?
The sun looked slantways in upon them, opening a way into the heart of the mist, like a rapier thrust by a master's wrist.
In a moving medium waves do not advance in their normal direction, they advance slantways.
You see, she doesn't go straight across the river; she goes slantways down the stream.
So it jumped slantways across the soft, central cushion of the trail into the other track.
He threw himself over slantways, and with his head bent as if it was broken, dropped into her arms.