Slovenliness [noun]
Definition of Slovenliness:
Opposite/Antonyms of Slovenliness:
Sentence/Example of Slovenliness:
Books were strewn here and there, but there was no slovenliness or untidiness; and, ha!
Too little attention to dress and surroundings is slovenliness.
"This is not disorder, but the usual Russian slovenliness," Markelov replied gloomily.
It may be marked by neatness and propriety, or by slovenliness and want of taste.
Griseldas raggedness must not be construed into slovenliness.
The whole room has an appearance of hopeless untidiness and slovenliness.
I explained to her what I wanted to do, apologizing for my slovenliness.
It was a mixture of luxury, barbarism, slovenliness and dirt.
Slovenliness in planning is as bad as slovenliness in expression.
The soil, the slovenliness, is washed out of every calling by its touch.