Sluggishly [adverb]
Definition of Sluggishly:
casually, unhurriedly
Sentence/Example of Sluggishly:
Crane watched Lauzanne go lazily, sluggishly down to the post for his race.
It was then, for much of its distance, rather a dismal stream, sluggishly winding through marshes lined with alders.
In either case, they explain how it is that we have a world moving so sluggishly.
When removed in a dry test tube, they began to move about sluggishly.
The men came to sluggishly, their reactions pathetic and confused.
My mind, from sluggishly hibernating for the winter, became a dynamo of activity.
A stream may flow so sluggishly that the water loses its clearness.
And that current will flow, sluggishly or rapidly, towards war.
The water ran into it sluggishly, and drained out half a mile below over muddy shallows.
You're sluggishly satisfied to go jogging along in the same old ruts that humanity has worn deep for centuries.