Slyly [adverb]
Definition of Slyly:
Opposite/Antonyms of Slyly:
Sentence/Example of Slyly:
I nodded and slyly opened the door enough to pass half-way out.
Daguenet scrutinized her slyly, sneering in his chaffing way.
Boche slyly suggesting a most amusing game, the game of true confessions.
She was, the slyly watchful Diana observed, very white and tired.
Schwarz signs to her to go out, which she does, slyly smiling.
“She was ‘fixed’ on sending you about what she called ‘your business,’” she said slyly.
"Then let him know the Dean, mamma," said Miss Kennyfeck, slyly.
"I see you are no legitimist," slyly remarked Miss Kenny-feck.
"That would be easier than the other," said the fellow, slyly.
"He 'll not make you a chief justice, Repton," said Martin, slyly.