Smarts [noun]
Definition of Smarts:
Synonyms of Smarts:
Sentence/Example of Smarts:
You flog us like children, but you forget that we are grown, and that it is more than the body that smarts.
Possibly there was considerable of irony in it too, the kind that smarts with all lads.
Where Smarts numbers are different, they are shown with popups.
After the flesh glove, come two courses of soaping—how it smarts!
Smarts they still, sickness soothing: in twelve moons thrice an hundred.
That's so, boy—it's like the freeze—go sudden to a fire, and mark how it smarts.
It is only a shameless one and one without faith who profits by his brother's smarts.
"No; but I've got a burned knee and it smarts," retorted Bob.
You're not to mind if it smarts a little; that's when the fish bite.
"Oh, it's nothing," returned Kate, who did not make much of smarts.