Snaked [verb]
Definition of Snaked:
hide; move stealthily
Synonyms of Snaked:
● Skulk
● Crouch
● Prowl
● Creep
● Snoop
● Slink
● Sneak
● Slide
● Snake
● Slip
● Steal
● Wait
● Gumshoe
Sentence/Example of Snaked:
Twisting her paddle this way and that, she snaked the dugout over the crests.
But tentacles lashed around him from the rear, snaked about him so that he was helpless.
Tiflin snaked a cigarette out from inside the collar of his Archer.
He said he had snaked up to him, and had got him by the throat.
Some of the guerillas had snaked into positions only a hundred yards away.
He snaked out from under the jeep and raced through wet brush.
He snaked the pistol out of his shoulder holster and held it ready.
Then, when they had reduced him to quiet they just snaked him off.
Harnessed the team and "snaked" some firewood, banked our tent, etc.
Roger snaked into traffic on the highway and bore down on the black car.