Sociably [adverb]
Definition of Sociably:
Opposite/Antonyms of Sociably:
Sentence/Example of Sociably:
"But you're not English," said Peter sociably, his arms on the table.
Kitchener had learned to speak the Arab tongue not only freely but sociably.
Apart from nervousness, she was sociably inclined, and yearned for company.
Tavernake was not sociably inclined and took no pains to conceal the fact.
Undertakers who were sociably disposed took each other's measures, composed epitaphs, and talked about cremation.
If misery loves company, as the proverb says, why should not happiness be also sociably disposed?
"Then one of us is about an hour out of the way," he said sociably, while Tom stood by in anxious suspense.
He was cheerfully helpless and sociably indifferent; ready to preside with a smile even at a discussion of his own admissibility.
As I went into the car there were three men at one end talking rather loud and sociably, and I went as near to them as I dared.
"Marry her, and be blowed," said that worthy, sociably; and the driver stiffened and refused to talk further on the subject.