Socialists [noun]
Definition of Socialists:
card-carrying communist
Sentence/Example of Socialists:
As for socialists—well, yes, perhaps there were a few, but he didn't know any.
That the Socialists have very logical and serious grounds for complaint is true.
These are Socialists in the modern and current sense of the term.
Socialists, naturally, differ very materially upon this point.
This organization was originally founded to spy on Communists and Socialists.
One season we go slumming, and the next we are all socialists.
If socialists like to play with dynamite, then I should think they might like such cases; otherwise, not.
The writer says that the Socialists aim at something more than this.
There had always been a program of reforms indorsed by the Socialists.
A cry of alarm was thereupon raised by many American Socialists.