Solemnizes [verb]
Definition of Solemnizes:
Synonyms of Solemnizes:
Opposite/Antonyms of Solemnizes:
Sentence/Example of Solemnizes:
I prefer, however, to solemnize marriage in the church, when possible.
No melody was like a passing spright160 If it went not to solemnize thy reign.
There are no priests here, no churches here, no god to solemnize a marriage.
This day, so marked in my life, lacked no circumstance that was needed to solemnize it.
You give me your word, then, that it is a marriage I ought to solemnize?
Instead of exciting me, there is everything to solemnize and still my feelings.
What hath so dire a tendency to solemnize the heart and impress it with the most just and weighty religious sentiments?
For it is altogether indispensable that some one from thence be here to solemnize and ask a blessing upon the marriage.
And then I purpose to leave Lord M. (dangerously ill as he is,) and meet her at her appointed church, in order to solemnize.
The Monday following the pair presented themselves before the civil officials to solemnize their marriage by due legal ceremonies.