Songbird [noun]
Definition of Songbird:
singing bird
Opposite/Antonyms of Songbird:
Sentence/Example of Songbird:
"We leave you at the next station," said Songbird, to the Rovers.
"Save it, Songbird, until we're on the yacht," interrupted Sam.
"I thought you'd be on this train," answered Songbird Powell.
"When I got your invitation I danced a jig of delight," went on Songbird.
"I'd like to go down and have a look," put in Songbird eagerly.
"Hurrah, Songbird, you ought to have that set to music," cried Dick.
"When you were here was a good many years ago," said Songbird.
"We ought to let Captain Barforth know of this at once," said Songbird.
"I'm going to make up a poem about them some day," said Songbird.
"If it was Sobber we ought to pay him back," came from Songbird, grimly.